Our Pledge


We have ZERO TOLERANCE for puppy mills or puppies from back yard breeders raised without tender loving care, socialization, exercise, comfort and affection or proper veterinarian care.

Our No Puppy Mill Pledge

Any breeder found in violation of our pledge and standards will be permanently banned from all our marketing platforms.

That Doggy In The Window pledges to NOT support unethical breeders, substandard breeding practices or puppy mills.

That Doggy In The Window pledges to ensure every single puppy is raised with the upmost attention, love and care.

Our Pledge and Breeder Code of Ethics (Our Standards) Breeders Agree to all of these:

I will ensure every puppy in the litter is well socialized.

I will ensure every puppy in the litter is healthy and has been properly screened by a licensed veterinarian.

I will maintain a safe, clean and sanitary property.

I will comply with all federal, state or provincial and local government laws and regulations concerning the keeping of dogs that I breed.

I will provide each buyer with health records including a diet, inoculation and parasite control record,and health guarantee.

I will provide each buyer with basic diet and care information